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Inspecting a Septic System

A full evaluation of a septic system is recommended to ensure that the system is working properly and that there are no defects that otherwise would go unnoticed in a "visual" evaluation. A full inspection of the septic system is conducted by either a septic contractor, or when required, a state certified inspector. This is a multi-step inspection that includes the following:

Septic Tank Cross Section Locating the system. Even professionals may have a problem locating a system if the access to the tank is buried. In such cases the inspector may start by looking in the basement and determine where the sewer pipe goes through the wall. Once the inspector has an approximate location he will probe the soil with a thin metal rod in an area ten to fifteen feet from the foundation.

Uncovering the manhole and inspection ports. After the tank has been located, some digging may take place to gain access to the tank. Often times this digging is done by hand and will result in a hole of approximately two feet by two feet. On occasion the depth of the tank and or soil conditions may require a backhoe to access the manhole cover.

Evaluating the tank. Once the tank has been accessed the inspector will measure the liquid levels in the tank before pumping the system. Levels are usually tested by using a long wooden pole that is pushed through the different levels of the tank. When removed the inspector can determine the levels of sludge and scum in the tank. The inspector will then pump out the system.

The inspector will also check the condition of the baffles and tees and check the walls of the tank for cracks or any signs of failure. He may choose to run water through the system or flush toilets to check the tank for proper flow. The size of the tank will also be noted. Septic tanks are usually 1,000 gallons or more, but older tanks may be slightly smaller i.e. 600 gallons. The inspector will determine if the tank is adequately sized for the home that it is servicing.

The drain field. The inspector will also walk the drain field and look for signs of failure. Lush vegetation, soft spongy ground, a sewage odor, or effluence at the surface are indications that the system is failing. Occasionally the inspector will probe the field lines in an effort to determine that proper drainage is taking place.

Properly cited, designed, constructed and maintained septic systems can provide an efficient and economical wastewater treatment alternative to public sewer systems. To make sure that these systems are performing their intended function a full evaluation that includes opening, pumping and inspecting its components is recommended.